Thursday, 9th July 2020 - EKTG LG were involved with the APPG for Disability on Inclusive Technology.
The slides and presentations from the panellists
Nasser Siabi – Founder and CEO of Microlink PC - Presentation
The Russell Group - Presentation
20 January 2020 - EKTG for eHealth Symposium at the House of Lords, London
The Value of the Silver Economy using the Gold of the Future
This event was designed to bring specialists from the key sectors involved to look, along with our audience of policy makers, industry, opinion formers, practitioners and consumers, at the impact and value of big data.
27 November 2019 - EKTG for eHealth Symposium at Salford, England
From Prophet to Profit….will the digital revolution ever be profitable?
EKTG were delighted to hold an event in Salford in collaboration with Fairhome, the leading Care Home provider.
The papers can be read here.
23-25 September 2019 - AAL Forum Meeting AArhus, Denmark
The Value of the Silver Economy using the Gold of the Future
EKTG was again pleased to be running a session at the AAL Forum in Denmark 23-25 September 2019. Our session will be at 9am on Tuesday 24th September. Our papers from the event can be read here.
24-26 September 2018 - AAL Forum Meeting Bilbao, Spain
Ageing Well in the digital age: a growing community of changemakers
It sought the involvement of each attendee as a driver for change within their ecosystems. The EKTG Session followed one of the streams of the Forum: Risk Competence in AAL and technology innovations as viewed by users and policy makers. Read the Summary here.
23-24 January 2018 - A Symposium at NatWest, London
Building the European digital health environment
Turning best practice into mainstreamed implementation
22nd November 2017 - A Symposium at the House of Lords, London
Developing Digital Transformation of Health and Care for an Ageing Society – The Education Perspective
2-4 October 2017 - AAL Forum Meeting, Portugal
Better education and understanding supporting increasing adoption of AAL Solutions in practice
We have produced a short summary of the Session that EKTG for eHealth ran at this event, which you can download here.
25 October 2016 - A Symposium at the House of Lords, London
Making the Grade - eHealth, better education and understanding; what every citizen deserves
2016 - EKTG at AAL Forum St Gallen
January 2016 - EKTG Symposium
Find out more information
1 July 2015 - How do we achieve a broader understanding about the issues, the challenges and the opportunities offered by eHealth technology for a healthy ageing population?
March 2014 - EKTG Conference - Can your Feet Really Touch the Ground
2013 - How Technology for Independent Living matter to business
8-9th April 2013 - EKTG 2013 Masterclass
2012 - Does Technology for Independent living matter to business
July 2011- Special European Conference London School of Economics in collaboration with the BIS, KTN, TSB, and the EU - Making a profit building alliances and impact